Something that immediately comes to mind when reflecting on my experience in this course is that I just have been thinking about social media and my usage of it more than I ever have in the past. Before this… Continue Reading →
The beauty of your PLN is that it can evolve with you, and continue to grow as you do both personally and professionally. It isn’t uncommon as people go through their lives and join the workforce that they end up… Continue Reading →
Throughout the course of these blog posts I have touched on inclusivity and diversity a few times, and this week’s topic in regards to PLN being curated to minimize bias as well as identity being reflected online is another great… Continue Reading →
Notable individuals do have a vastly different social media experience than the average person. While they may post similar things; pretty foods, pretty landscapes, selfies, or photos with family – everything that a notable individual posts is amplified and scrutinized… Continue Reading →
As technology rapidly evolves and the platforms used to get information change and evolve with it – community engagement and accessibility take on a whole new life. Before, public forums were much less accessible, and people turned to traditional media… Continue Reading →
When considering how to create a PLN in regards to building a podcast, I would think the most important thing to consider is mutual interest as well as intention. Asking the questions, are the people I’m letting into my PLN… Continue Reading →
Inclusion in education is of the utmost importance. In a time where there are people of all different kinds of ethnicities, backgrounds, sexualities, and even more all converge together – especially in an educational context where they are still young… Continue Reading →
Students have so many digital platforms at their disposal to help them develop their professional network, with one of the most common being Twitter from my own personal experience. Other common ones are Linked in, or even something like Facebook… Continue Reading →
What is a digital identity? As this week’s reading Dear Internet! Who am I? states, “Identity is what it means to be who one is including the qualities and beliefs, distinguishing a person or a group from others.” So with… Continue Reading →
Networking using social media can be an incredibly powerful tool in this time of increasingly common tech usage, and as more platforms for such show up on the market; the ability to advertise yourself at your own pace becomes even… Continue Reading →
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